Twitter users mocked ‘entitled townies’ clashing with locals in the countryside after a bizarre video emerged of a man marching up to a combine harvester in a Berkshire field to complain about dust, which he said had ‘ruined his family picnic’.
It is just one of a host of hare-brained clashes involving visitors to rural communities, with reports of holidaymakers’ cars parked in farmers’ fields and blocking roads while taking selfies.
After the latest story was shared in national press, readers reacted with incredulity at the incident, with one condemning the man’s ‘overwhelming sense of entitlement’.
Andy Tradesmantrucker wrote: ‘When will people get it, the countryside is not a theme park, it’s a workplace.’
Sue tweeted: ‘This is what happens when people escape cities for the idyll of the countryside. They don’t get that the countryside is a workplace, not a holiday camp. It has noises, smells, dust and mud on the road.’
Jaggers of Colchester added: ‘I grew up on a farm. I’m…
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