Patrick Doyle, veteran actor, film producer and broadcaster, took to his Facebook page on Friday, May 3, 2019, where he penned an emotional message to his now estranged wife, Ireti whom she described as an angel and shared some information about their marriage as they marked their 15th wedding anniversary.
The post was entitled: An Ode to a Great Lady
In that message, the veteran actor hinted at the fact that their marriage was going through turbulent times, while praising Ireti for her love and steadfastness, adding that she had been able to accept him despite all his flaws.
According to Patrick, their differences had been resolved at the time and they were back in good terms.
Here are excerpts from the message:
“Shortly after the passing of Rosamond, God sent me an angel. Not only did this angel dry my tears, comfort my soul and lift my spirit at the lowest point in my life, but she showered my boys with the highest quality of care that I have ever seen a mother give her children. I have been young and now I am older, and I have never seen a woman more loving, caring and devoted than this lady. She not only ignored the taunting of “true friends ” who queried what she was doing with a “broke ass” like me. Frankly, if she was my sister, I would have asked her the same question. Have I always justified or honored her courageous decision to stick with me through thick and thin? The answer is a big resounding NO.
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