Asia’s richest man, Mukesh Ambani, has announced plans to relaunch an iconic 1970s soda brand that once rivaled Coca-Cola and Pepsi, prompting a wave of nostalgia on social media among the millions of Indians who grew up drinking the beverage.
Ambani’s Reliance Group said this week it would reintroduce Campa Cola to India’s multibillion-dollar non-alcoholic drinks market this summer in three flavors: cola, lemon, and orange, CNN News-18 reported.
The brand filled a void in the South Asian country at a time when its more famous American rival Coca-Cola was not available, and the news of its return has prompted a flurry of interest from middle-aged Indians who remember drinking it in their youth.
Shailesh Desai, 60, from Mumbai, told CNN he remembered how drinking Campa Cola “would drown the apprehension” when he needed to tell his father about a bad grade on…
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