Obesity is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, with the UK estimated to have one in every four adults and around one in every five children aged 10 to 11 living with excessive body weight.
While obesity has become a worrying commonality in the modern western world, a select few have become notoriously known for their excessive weight.
From breaking scales to world records, these are some of the heaviest humans that have ever walked the earth – and the tragic tales they have left behind.
Manuel Uribe
Mexican Manuel Uribe was once hailed at the ‘world’s fattest man’ before he met his demise in 2014. He was cited as the heaviest man alive by Guinness World Records in 2006 after weighing in at a massive 1,230lbs (87st).
Though the title didn’t bring much happiness for Manuel, who was mostly bedridden for the last 12 years of his life, it did help him get attention he was so desperately wanting.
Guinness World Records measured and gave Manuel the title after seeing his television plea for help with weight loss. His need for help caught the eye of many, which led to the Mexican man recieving medical assistance and him losing weight.
He successfully managed to lose around 400lbs in his five-year pursuit of slimming. However, Manuel sadly started to pile the weight back on in 2009 after his wedding to Claudia Solis the year prior. It would mark the only time he left the house before his death, other than hospital visits.

Manuel Uribe remained bedbound for his last years of life (Image: AFP)
At the time of his passing, Craig Glenday, Guinness World Records Editor-in-Chief, said: “I had the pleasure of meeting with Manuel at his home in Monterrey when he first agreed to be weighed. Despite being bed-bound, he had a redoubtable spirit and vowed to do all he could to lose his world record status.
“He was very open and honest about his condition, and hoped that by bringing his story to the wider public, Guinness World Records could help him secure the medical attention he needed.”
Manuel’s cause of death was eventually listed as liver failure caused by his obesity.
Walter Hudson
American man Walter Hudson dedicated a large chunk of his life to excessively consuming junk food, which would ultimately cause him to meet his untimely end.
At his heaviest, the New Yorker weighed a huge 1,197lbs (85.5st) in 1987 – making him the heaviest person alive at the time, recorded by Guinness World Record. Walter also is the title holder for the world’s largest waist circumference ever recorded at 119in (300cm).
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