Only exceptionalism could have provided that chance. Only exceptionalism could produce an Obama and eight years later produce a Trump – the one neo-liberal and the other neo-anything-is-possible… In the days ahead, no one is exactly sure what to expect – not pollsters, pundits, or even members of Trump’s cabinet. But we’ll see, one tweet at a time, just what is left of what has made America exceptional.
On the eve of Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th President of the US, on 19 January, 2017, I wrote an article I could easily write now. It was entitled “A Memory of America on Obama’s Last Day.” With minor edits, it’s worth repeating as Trump happens again as the 47th President of the US.
The peculiar aspect of the US is that everything is extraordinary. If any doubt remains, the election of Donald J Trump, who takes office on Friday as the 45th President of the United States of America, resolves…
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