Private Eye, the British satirical magazine, dedicated its latest cover to saying sorry to President Donald Trump in the most blisteringly sarcastic way.
The publication’s front page was headlined, “Donald Trump: An Apology.”
“In common with all other media organisations, we may in the past have given the impression that we thought Mr Trump was a sleazy, deranged, orange-faced man-baby who was a threat to democracy and who should be in jail rather than the White House. We now realise, in the light of his return to to supreme power, that he is in fact a political colossus, the voice of sanity, a champion of liberty, a model of probity and the saviour of the Western world. He is also slim, handsome and young.”
“We would like to apologize unreservedly for any confusion caused by our previous statements and thank President Trump for his kind invitation to give him 94 million pounds to attend his inauguration event.”
The small print at the bottom of the page read, “This…
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