We are bringing to your attention the presence of counterfeit Farrow’s Giant Marrowfat Peas circulating in the market. These fake products not only fail to meet the quality standards associated with the Farrow’s brand but could also pose health risks to consumers. We urge everyone to exercise caution when purchasing and help us combat this issue by reporting any suspicious products or shops.
To ensure you only purchase the authentic Farrow’s Giant Marrowfat Peas, here are the key differences between the original product and the counterfeit:
How to Identify the Original Farrow’s Giant Marrowfat Peas
1. The top of the can is plain and does not feature an easy-open pull tab.
2. The NAFDAC number is printed on the side of the can.
3. The expiry date is clearly on the top of the can for proper identification.
4. The label has a distinct brown colour.
1. Has an easy-open pull tab, making it stand out as fake.
2. The NAFDAC number is either missing…
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