For politicians looking to defraud the American people, no scenario proves more accommodating than a marathon series of votes. Rather than focus on real, targeted relief for Americans who need it most, Senate Democrats chose to ram through legislation that, once signed into law, will initiate one of the largest and most partisan transfers of wealth in the history of the United States Congress.
The House version of the “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021” is a $1.9 trillion blue state payday marketed as the desperately-needed COVID relief package Democrats have been teasing since Inauguration Day. The Senate’s amended “Schumer substitute” is just as bad.
This hyper-partisan bill and the process through which it’s being passed represents everything that’s wrong with Washington. And unfortunately, Tennessee and other fiscally conservative states are on the losing end of the deal.
Their scheme trickles out a paltry 9% of its total price tag for vaccine distribution, expanded testing, and health care jobs, and dedicates billions to earmarks and line items that will overwhelmingly benefit Democrat-run states at the expense of Republican-led ones.
Even the formula the drafters used to allocate funding doubles down on bias. Previous COVID relief was distributed to states based on population, which ensured a level playing field.
For purely partisan reasons, this bill uses unemployment numbers to determine final state payouts and rewards failing blue states with the tax dollars of red states whose jobless rates didn’t spike as dramatically. Under this new formula, our home state of Tennessee will lose $164 million dollars; meanwhile, New York, New Jersey, and California will walk away with a combined gain of almost $9 billion.
In Tennessee, we’ve worked to protect both lives and livelihoods throughout the pandemic, and it’s paid off. We invested previous federal COVID relief dollars into our…
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