Woman viciously attacked for turning down a man’s advances in China

Woman viciously attacked for turning down a man’s advances in China


Eight people have been arrested in China following a vicious attack by a group of men on three women who were eating in a restaurant after one of them denied their unwanted attention.

CCTV footage shows a man walking into a barbeque restaurant in Tangshan at around 2.40am on 6 June, in northern China’s Hebei province, when he suddenly sets his focus on a woman sat sharing a meal with two companions at a table by the doorway.

He places his hand on her back, and she quickly grabs him by the wrist to push him away. A few seconds pass and the woman can be heard talking at him, he goes to put his arm around her once more before she pushes him back again – and he responds by striking her in the face.

A scuffle between the two begins – the woman tries to get him away from her by throwing a glass bottle, of what looks like beer, at his head. Her friend gets up and does the same by smashing another bottle at the side of the attacker’s head.

He then turns his attention to the friend, pushing her by the neck. She falls to the ground, only to be kicked, hit and smashed with crockery in the head by the initial perpetrator’s friend, who joins in on the brutal beatings.

The only time someone comes to the womens’ defence inside the restaurant is when the friend is being kicked at on the floor, when another of the three companions who watched the initial interaction between the man touching the woman’s back.

She protects her friend by using her body as a shield to stand over her, even withstanding when a chair is chucked over her back.

CCTV footage shows a man walking into a barbeque restaurant in Tangshan at 2.40am on 6 June, in northern China's Hebei province, when he suddenly sets his focus on a woman sat sharing a meal with two companions at a table by the doorway

CCTV footage shows a man walking into a barbeque restaurant in Tangshan at 2.40am on 6 June, in northern China’s Hebei province, when he suddenly sets his focus on a woman sat sharing a meal with two companions at a table by the doorway

He places his hand on her back, and she quickly grabs him by the wrist to push him away
He goes to put his arm around her once more before she pushes him back again

He places his hand on her back, and she quickly grabs him by the wrist to push him away. A few seconds pass and the woman can be heard talking at him, he goes to put his arm around her once more before she pushes him back again – and he responds by striking her in the face

But the woman initially attacked is targeted again by the perpetrator in the green jacket, who notices her stood up beside him, and quickly grabs her by the hair to punch her in the face and launch another onslaught of violence.

The footage shows the woman being dragged out of the restaurant as four men continue to savagely assault her.

Once outside, the violence continues, and when another woman steps in only to be punched in the face, knocking her to the floor where she smashes her head on the concrete floor.

Read the full article in Daily Mail


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