A distressing incident has unfolded in Rivers State, Nigeria, as unidentified gunmen kidnapped a police orderly and a driver attached to a respected traditional ruler. The victims, who were abducted from the residence of His Royal Highness (HRH) Chief Cornwell Ihunwo, the paramount ruler of Rumu-Elechi community in Nkpolu-Orowurokwo, Port Harcourt City Local Government Area, remain in the custody of their captors.
According to an Executive member of Diobu Vigilante and Chief Security Officer of Nkpolu-Orowurokwo, Godstime Ihunwo, the abduction took place around 8pm on Saturday, June 22, 2024. Godstime condemned the move to abduct the community leader, stating that the intent of the kidnappers appeared to be the targeting of the traditional ruler himself.
The Police Public Relations Officer for Rivers State Command, Superintendent of Police Grace Iringe-Koko, confirmed the incident and assured that an investigation is underway to track down the perpetrators and rescue the victims.
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