Eight teenage boys, including 17-year-old Mathew Omotayo, have been apprehended by the Ogun State Command of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) for the alleged gang rape and subsequent filming of a 14-year-old girl in the Ijebu-Mushin area of the state. The incident, which occurred on November 15, 2024, involved the victim being lured to a secluded location by the suspects, all students of St. Anthony Grammar School. Once there, she was subjected to a horrifying sexual assault without her consent.
The victim, fearing for her safety and unable to endure the ongoing harassment, reported the incident to the NSCDC. She provided a video recording of the assault as evidence, a stark reminder of the digital age’s dual nature a tool for connection and a weapon for exploitation. Following the victim’s brave disclosure, the NSCDC initiated a prompt investigation.
Following the victim’s brave disclosure, the NSCDC initiated a prompt investigation. A remand order was secured from a magistrate court in Ijebu-Mushin, leading to the detention of the eight suspects for a period of 60 days. This interim measure will allow for a thorough investigation and legal proceedings. Commandant Remilekun Ekundayo of the Ogun NSCDC has unequivocally condemned the heinous act, pledging to ensure that the perpetrators face the full extent of the law.
She emphasised the command’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding children from abuse and exploitation, underscoring the importance of a society that prioritises the well-being of its most vulnerable members.This disturbing incident serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive issue of sexual violence, particularly against minors. It highlights the urgent need for comprehensive measures to prevent such crimes, including education, awareness campaigns, and stricter enforcement of laws.
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