In a tragic incident in Lafiyagi Dzwafu village, Katcha Local Government Area of Niger State, a 27-year-old woman, Fatima Dzuma, has been arrested for allegedly killing her husband, Baba Aliyu, aged 25. The incident reportedly occurred during preparations for the naming ceremony of Aliyu’s child with his first wife.
Fatima, who had been married to Aliyu for three years as his second wife, confessed to the crime. According to her, the frequent domestic disputes and physical abuse in their marriage led her to commit the act.
Sources indicate that Fatima had not borne children for Aliyu, and their relationship was often strained with arguments. On the night of the tragic event, the couple had another altercation, during which Aliyu allegedly assaulted Fatima before leaving the house.
When Aliyu returned and went to bed, Fatima seized the opportunity to act. She confessed, “I used a rope to tie his neck, and because he was in a deep sleep, he couldn’t struggle. I struck him three times with a pestle—twice on the head and once on his hand.”
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