Premier League witnesses surge in Covid-19 cases with 77% of players double jabbed

Premier League witnesses surge in Covid-19 cases with 77% of players double jabbed


The English Premier League has seen a sharp rise in new Covid-19 cases among players as the Omicron variant continues its rapid spread through Britain.

From December 13 to December 19, the league reported 90 new positive cases, more than twice the total of positive tests the week before (42).

Prior to that, the league saw just 100 positive tests in the four months between August 2 and December 5.

The league says 77% of its players are currently vaccinated with two doses, which is considered fully vaccinated under current government guidance.

However, scientists have underlined the importance of a third booster jab in successfully combating Omicron.

The vaccination rate in England for 25-29 year-olds is 78.5% — the average age of a Premier League player is 26.9 years-old.

The league said 84%… 


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