On Friday, Hollywood star Lupita Nyong’o announced her romance with TV host and designer Selema Masekela, sharing a video of them snapping back and forth while changing into different outfits with Iniko’s “The King’s Affirmation – Chill Mix” playing on the background.
“We just click! @selema” Lupita wrote in the caption, adding the hashtags #thisismylove #nuffsaid.
Selema also shared the video, writing: “Hearts are synched. My whole and actual love @lupitanyongo. #outkickedthecoverage.”
A little social media digging took us back over 6 years ago when Selema asked his followers for an opening line as he was seated behind Lupita in a flight. The rest is history. “#nuffsaid” 😁
Congratulations to the couple!
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