Always Tired? Your cells get all their power from mother’s DNA

Always Tired? Your cells get all their power from mother’s DNA


BOULDER, Colo. — Are you an energizer bunny or constantly find yourself battling feelings of fatigue? The answer likely has a lot to do with your mother. Although science tells us that half our genes come from Mom and half from Dad, a new study has discovered that the tiny power plants, called mitochondria, in our cells only contain DNA from our mothers.

So, what happened to your father’s mitochondrial genes? Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder have found that they’re destroyed right when sperm meets egg.

Why does this happen? Moreover, what if it doesn’t work properly? The study, published in the journal Science Advances, is shedding light on these questions. The answers could significantly impact our understanding of certain rare but serious diseases.

First, let’s break down what mitochondria actually are. You can think of them as tiny batteries inside almost every cell in your body. Their job is to produce a chemical called ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is essentially the energy currency that powers nearly everything your cells do.

What makes mitochondria special is that they have their own DNA, separate from the DNA in the cell’s nucleus. In most animals, including humans, this mitochondrial DNA comes exclusively from the mother.

“It could be humiliating for a guy to hear, but it’s true. Our stuff is so undesirable that evolution has designed multiple mechanisms to make sure it is cleared during reproduction,” explains Dr. Ding Xue, a professor at UC Boulder and senior author of the study, in a media release.

So, what happens if this process, called “paternal mitochondria elimination” (PME for short), doesn’t work properly? That’s what Xue and his team set out to discover.

They turned to a tiny worm called C. elegans for their experiments. Don’t let its size fool you – this worm has a nervous system, gut, and muscles similar to humans, making it a great model for this kind of research.

The scientists couldn’t completely stop PME from happening (which shows just how important this process is), but they managed to delay it by about 10 hours. The striking results revealed that developing embryos had much lower levels of ATP, meaning less energy to fuel their growth. Many of the worms didn’t survive at all. Those who did survive had trouble thinking clearly, showed unusual activity patterns, and had difficulty reproducing. In simpler terms, letting Dad’s mitochondrial DNA hang around caused some serious problems.

Here’s where things get really interesting. The researchers found that treating the worms with a form of vitamin K2 (specifically, a type called MK-4) seemed to fix many of these issues. It brought ATP levels back to normal in the embryos and improved memory, activity, and reproduction in the adult worms.

This finding opens up exciting possibilities for potential treatments in humans. Dr. Xue speculates that someday, families with a history of mitochondrial disorders might take vitamin K2 as a precautionary measure during pregnancy.

Now, you might be wondering – does this actually happen in humans? While it’s rare, there have been a few documented cases where scientists think they’ve found traces of paternal mitochondrial DNA in adults.

One case involved a 28-year-old man who had trouble breathing, weak muscles, and couldn’t handle exercise. Another study looked at 17 people from three different families who experienced fatigue, muscle pain, speech delays, and neurological symptoms.

While more research is necessary, Dr. Xue suspects that in some cases, even a small delay in getting rid of Dad’s mitochondrial DNA could be behind some hard-to-diagnose diseases.

“If you have a problem with ATP it can impact every stage of the human life cycle,” the study author explains.

This research doesn’t just help us understand a quirky biological process. It could have major implications for diagnosing and treating a group of conditions called mitochondrial disorders. These diseases, which affect about one in 5,000 people, happen when mitochondria don’t work properly, leaving the body struggling to produce enough energy.

“There are a lot of diseases that are poorly understood. No one really knows what is going on. This research offers clues,” Dr. Xue says.

While we’re still a long way from definitive treatments based on this study, it opens up new avenues for research. It might lead to better ways to diagnose mitochondrial disorders or even novel treatment approaches.

So, the next time you think about inheritance, remember – while you’re a mix of both your parents in many ways, the tiny power plants in your cells are all thanks to Mom. That specialized inheritance pattern might be more important to your health than anyone realized.

The study focused on Caenorhabditis elegans (a small worm) to explore how a delay in removing the father’s mitochondria during early development impacts the adult animals’ behavior and cognitive function. Normally, after fertilization, the father’s mitochondria are quickly eliminated, but the researchers caused a slight delay in this process. They achieved this delay by altering a specific gene in the worms.

The scientists then measured energy production in the embryos and tested the adult worms’ behaviors, like mating, memory, and movement patterns. They also used a special vitamin (MK-4) to see if it could fix the problems caused by the delayed mitochondrial removal.

The study found that even a slight delay in getting rid of the father’s mitochondria in the embryos caused significant changes in adult worms. These changes included problems with mating, memory, and movement. The delayed mitochondrial removal reduced energy production in the embryos, which seemed to cause these problems in the adult worms. Interestingly, when the scientists treated the worms with MK-4 (a type of vitamin K), the energy levels were restored, and the worms’ behaviors improved.

One limitation of the study is that it was conducted on worms, which may not perfectly represent what happens in humans. Additionally, the delay in mitochondrial removal was created artificially in the lab, so it’s unclear how often this would naturally occur in real-life conditions. The study also focused on a specific genetic mutation, which may not apply to all types of mitochondrial issues.


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