Donald Trump is a menace, a danger to the world, a consummate liar – Soyinka

Donald Trump is a menace, a danger to the world, a consummate liar – Soyinka


Nobel Laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka has described former American President, Donald Trump as a menace, a danger to the world and a consummate liar.

Soyinka, in an interview with TheNEWS to mark his 90th birthday, Trump is not as clever as he thought he was.

“But he did one thing. He studied and he understood the American psyche. And he knew the right chord to tweak in order to get them on his side, to get them to believe anything that he says. I don’t think the world has ever known such a consummate liar like Donald Trump,” he said.

Soyinka said Nigeria has had one consummate liar, but said he is just a copycat besides Trump.

“We have had one here also, but he is just a copycat beside Donald Trump. If you want to find out what is going on, look at all the many lies of this fellow called Trump. So many lies. But I don’t want to go in that direction. Let’s just remark it and move on.

“And the one in Nigeria who is trying to copy Trump has studied only a minuscule section of the Nigerian psyche and he was able to tweak certain sentiments, certain aspects of our history. Again, I don’t want to talk about that. So, let’s move on.

“But Donald Trump is a menace, he is a danger to the world. I mean it. It is not just to America. He is a danger to the world,” Soyinka stated.

The Nobel laureate added that one thing shocked him but it also enabled him, making reference to his Green Card episode.

“This reminds me of the Green Card episode in which I could not believe  that there were people in this country -I should not have been surprised -who actually made it their business  to come and comment acerbically on the decision of any citizen  to say, I don’t like what is happening over there.

“Therefore, I want to terminate my relationship with that place. To make that decision of mine your own business, is a reflection of your slave mentality.  There was one young man, a Nigerian, who even said God had ordained that that Trump would triumph.  Okay. That’s fine.



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