The singer took to her Instagram page on Sunday, December 15, 2019, where she shared photos and a video of Prince Eke, their kids and herself at a Chinese restaurant. She went on to caption the photo with a quote;
“Everyone posed for a shot after a good meal yesterday in front of the Chinese restaurant – Opebi, Lagos 14th December 2019,” she wrote.
It appears Muma Gee and Prince Eke might have settled their rift as she didn’t just share a photo of her beautiful family but also posted a video of Prince Eke dancing with his little daughter.
Muma Gee and Prince Eke had one of the messiest celebrity separation scandals a few years ago. There were allegations of fetishism, domestic violence, infidelity and fraud from both parties.
The allegations…
Back in 2017, Muma Gee announced that she was filing for divorce from Prince Eke. According to her publicist and close friend Don Saint, the singer feared for her life and safety following series of death threats from Prince Eke.
In Prince Eke’s post on the internet on February 25, 2017, he stated that Muma Gee should prepare to rest in peace, along with a photo of his kids and eldest sister. According to Muma Gee, he took the photos when she granted him access to see their kids at the Sheraton hotel.
The singer shared photo evidence of domestic violence and battering that led to their break up on the night of November 5, 2016, before he packed out of their house into a hotel next street to their home in Port Harcourt.
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