More bandits lay down arms in Zamfara


Seven repentant bandits have again laid down arms In Zamfara state and town the path of peace through the peace and reconciliation process initiated by the Matawalle administration there.

They’ve also vowed not to return to their former ways of life.

The governor there, Bello Matawalle also secured the release of twelve kidnap victims who were abducted two months ago in Bungudu Local government area of the state.

The victims are eight women and four children aged four to five months old.


Addressing the gathering at the Government house Gusau, Governor Bello Matawalle says dialogue with bandits is paving way to lasting peace in the state.

He says no amount of pressure will deter him from the non kinetic approach towards restoring peace in the state.

He appeals to all residents to continue to avail security agencies with useful information to clampdown on criminals.

The State Commissioner for Internal Security has handed over the repentant bandits to the Commissioner of Police Abutu Yaro.

The kidnapped victims on the other hand have reunited with their families.

This is coming twenty four hours after three repentant bandits terrorising communities in Bakura local government area surrendered their arms and join the peace process.


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