Seeking National Dialogue Out of Our Crossroads, By Tokunbo Awolọwọ Dosunmu

Seeking National Dialogue Out of Our Crossroads, By Tokunbo Awolọwọ Dosunmu

Nigeria in urgent need of a national dialogue to resolve its challenges.

We are at a crossroads, and ‘demons wait at crossroads attempting to influence our decisions’ (April Smith). Demons of fear, self, greed and political dissimulation, to name but a few. But history will judge our generation most harshly if we fail to seize the moment, grasp the nettle and do the right thing.

Chief Awolọwọ was born 112 years ago today.

As many of you may be aware, the 2020 event had to be postponed due to the then emerging global health crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic. Little did we know at the time what a seismic effect that situation was going to have on the entire world.

We certainly had no idea that the relevance of our chosen topic then, ‘Whither Nigeria?’, would assume such incredible intensity one year later, even in the midst of the ravaging pandemic.

Yet, here we are.

It would not be an overstatement to say that Nigeria today faces an unprecedented threat to its very existence. The security situation throughout the country has brought into bolder relief citizens’ discontent with perceived governance deficits and with the apparent insufficient concern about their well-being by those in authority.

Ethno-religious tensions, irritations and rivalries, social justice practised more in the breach, and deep-seated inter-class resentment, all simmering before, now threaten to explode into multi-locational theatres of conflict, in which no one is in charge and no one is safe. Increasingly, the perception by most Nigerians is that they are on their own. The country is, no doubt, in a serious crisis.

A famous quote by Mr. Shastri, the second Prime Minister of India goes thus, “There comes a time in the life of every nation when it stands at the cross-roads of history and must choose which way to go…’. For Nigeria, this statement has probably never been more germane than it is now.

…in our usual way at the Ọbafẹmi…

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