Larry Kudlow: Biden ‘rushing toward a central planning role for bigger and bigger government’

Larry Kudlow: Biden ‘rushing toward a central planning role for bigger and bigger government’

Fox Business host Larry Kudlow criticized President Biden’s policies Thursday, saying the administration is “rushing toward a central planning role for bigger and bigger government.”

KUDLOW: Mr. Biden has thrown in with the left to fundamentally transform America. I draw a red line, with respect. Folks, I don’t want to fundamentally change America. America has good values, a good economic system. If we keep taxes and regulations low, support energy independence and fair trade, we will be prosperous. I like America. I like low taxes. I totally support the cops and law enforcement. I like folks going to church and temple on the weekends. I like teaching traditional American history in schools. I do not want to cancel our culture or the Judeo-Christian heritage that backstops. America is a force for good. I don’t want to transform it. It should be OK for kids to use the words “mom” and “pop” in school when referring to parents, in New York they can’t.

I worked for both Presidents Trump and Reagan. Obviously they are different people. Obviously, they had different ways of communicating. But substantively, they both had a lot in common. They both had devotion to traditional American values. They supported American free enterprise. They removed obstacles to opportunities. They believed in freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to work, freedom to prosper, freedom to keep more of what they earned, freedom to succeed. Reagan and Trump rewarded success, they did not seek to punish it. That is the America I love. I do not want to end our history. I do not want to cancel our culture. I do not want central planning socialism. I do want supply-side economic policies that create rock bottom unemployment and sky-high jobs. I don’t want central planning. I don’t want socialism. America is the greatest economic engine in the world, unless we create all kinds of government barriers to thwart it.

I understand, some of you may…

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