Representative Judy Chu (D-CA) said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “All In” that the three shootings at Atlanta-area spas, killing eight people, was a “culmination of a whole year’s worth of hate that was stoked by the xenophobia of Donald Trump.”
Chu said, “We were shocked and heartbroken when we heard about the deaths of these eight people, six of them being Asian women. We think that this is a culmination of a whole year’s worth of hate that was stoked by the xenophobia of Donald Trump. Let me point out this man says that this was not a hate crime, but he picked three businesses to deal with this sex addiction, and all three of them just happened to be Asian businesses, with the first one being called Young’s Asian Massage. So what does that lead you to believe when the majority of the victims were Asian-American? Nonetheless, it is something that you could have seen from this year and what has happened with the 3,800 hate crimes and incidents that have occurred.”
She added, “In January whether the coronavirus was making the appearance but when Donald Trump started calling it the China virus, contrary to the voice of CDC and World Health Organization who said to call it COVID-19 because calling it otherwise would only cause a stigma for those of different ethnicities and from different countries, Donald Trump actually doubled down and had the Republican followers use the terms even more. Hence what it caused was even more fear and terror in the Asian-American community. We kept on hearing about stories after stories of people who were the victims of taunts and racial epitaphs.”
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