Texas lawmakers this week advanced seven pro-life bills out of committee and into the full Senate chamber for hearings.
Tomorrow is #WorldDownSyndromeDay!
Did you know most preborn babies with Down syndrome are aborted in the U.S.? And in Iceland, that figure is 100%.
TX must stand against the evil of abortion & defend the lives of people with Down syndrome!https://t.co/L6q11LtnW5#ProLife pic.twitter.com/eYHRwqQgOc
— Texas Right to Life (Text ProLife to 56525) (@TXRightToLife) March 20, 2021
The Texas Abolition Strategy (SB 1647) is an omnibus measure that includes three separate pro-life provisions: the Heartbeat Act (SB 8), which would ban abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected; the Preborn NonDiscrimination Act (PreNDA) (SB 1173), which would abolish abortions sought due to the sex, ethnicity, or disability of the unborn baby; and the Human Life Protection Act (SB 9), which seeks to abolish all remaining elective abortions in Texas if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. Should SB 9 be enacted, physicians who would violate the law could have their licenses revoked and incur other penalties.
Vulnerable children like Michael deserve the Right to Life and the full protection of the law. That is why Texas Right to Life is working with the Texas Legislature to pass the Preborn NonDiscrimination Act (PreNDA).https://t.co/Dc6cSyEJeC pic.twitter.com/Z1Oa6aAImS
— Texas Right to Life (Text ProLife to 56525) (@TXRightToLife) March 20, 2021
Malachi and Elijah’s story of learning to run a business from their dining room table is a powerful tool for changing the culture.https://t.co/n4FJzy3y5J pic.twitter.com/qlwRD1xMZX
— Texas Right to Life (Text ProLife to 56525) (@TXRightToLife) March 19, 2021
The Every Mother Matters Act (SB 802) would require women seeking abortions to have access, free of charge, to resources and counseling by a medical or mental health professional who would provide accurate information about abortion, available assistance to the woman and her family, and a screening for abuse, neglect, and human trafficking.
A bill that seeks to regulate chemical abortion (SB 394) would outlaw the delivery by mail of drugs that induce abortion. The legislation would require an in-person examination by a physician prior to the prescription of the abortion-inducing drugs.
Senate Hears THREE Pro-Life Priorities; Here’s What You Can Do Next
Text TXLege to 56525
Contact your state lawmakers to support the Pro-Life Priorities: https://t.co/PCG7CZlJsE#TXLege #ProLife
— Texas Right to Life (Text ProLife to 56525) (@TXRightToLife) March 19, 2021
SB 650 would block any government entity in Texas from providing taxpayer-funded venues to facilitate the provision of abortions. This bill is likely related to the Austin City Council’s decision to redirect police funds toward support for increased access to abortions.
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) listed the Heartbeat Act and the Human Life Protection Act, or the Abortion Ban Trigger, among his priority pieces of legislation for the 2021 session:
Last week, I announced my top 31 priorities for the 2021 Legislative Session. I am confident these priorities address issues that are critical to Texans. #ICYMI: https://t.co/Vtak4VxalL#txlege pic.twitter.com/GwCkNcNKE1
— Dan Patrick (@DanPatrick) March 3, 2021
Young pro-life activists with Students for Life of America (SFLA) and Students for Life Action (SFLAction) testified in support of the bills.
“We are watching Texas closely,” said SFLA/SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins. “Texas is home to the origin story of Roe v. Wade — and I think the entire pro-life movement would welcome Texas putting a nail in Roe’s coffin with one of its strong pro-life bills this session.”
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