Jordanian Royal, Palace Official Arrested for Security Reasons, State Media Say

Jordanian Royal, Palace Official Arrested for Security Reasons, State Media Say


Sputnik International

Jordanian Royal, Palace Officials Arrested Over Alleged Plot to Overthrow King Abdullah II – Reports

State media reported citing Jordan’s armed forces on Saturday that former Jordanian crown prince Hamzah bin Al-Hussein, also a half-brother of King Abdullah II, was told to halt actions undermining national security.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Hassan bin Zaid, a member of Jordan’s royal family and envoy to Saudi Arabia, and King Abdullah’s long-time confidant Basem Ibrahim Awadallah were arrested on Saturday, state media said.

“Jordanian citizens, Hassan bin Zaid, Basem Ibrahim Awadallah, and others were arrested,” the state news agency Petra reported, citing a security source.

The two senior palace officials and the unnamed “others” were reportedly arrested for security reasons after a “close security follow-up.” An investigation is underway.

The agency later denied media reports claiming that Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein, the king’s half-brother and former crown prince, had been detained or put under house arrest.


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