Professor Ango Abdullahi Defends Northern Nonsense! By Bayo Oluwasanmi

Professor Ango Abdullahi Defends Northern Nonsense! By Bayo Oluwasanmi


Speaking at the First Northern People’s Summit held at Arewa House on Wednesday, Professor Ango Abdullahi, chair, Northern Elders Forum (NEF) said: “We must send a message to people who are bent on assaulting and killing our people that they are treading on very dangerous path, and they must stop. The North has paid a huge price for the survival and unity of Nigeria. We do not see secession as a solution for any grievance, and strongly advise our national leadership to take these threats with all the seriousness they deserve.”

Abdullahi, churns out gibberish all the time in defensex of northern nonsense. Who are the people killing Fulanis? What did Fulanis sacrifice to preserve the unity of Nigeria? What did Fulanis contribute to the progress and prosperity of Nigeria? What huge price paid by Fulanis to keep Nigeria united? Truth be told, Fulanis are the ones going around the country butchering innocent people. They are the Boko Haram terrorists. They are the herdsmen terrorists. Fulanis are the greatest obstacle to the unity and stability of Nigeria. 

Fulanis are the only ethnic group taking everything and contribute nothing to the federal purse. Fulanis monopolized all positions in federal appointments and employments in ministries, corporations, and institutions. Fulanis had ruled for over 40 years out of 60 years of our independence. As I write, we are yet to recover all the Abacha loot stashed away in foreign banks.

Yorubas give land to Fulanis to farm. We welcome them into our space with open arms. We shower them with love. We care for them. We tolerate them. We accommodate them. For all our generosity, kindness, compassion, and civility, they kill, rape, maim, kidnap, and uproot our people from their homes. 

Every time the issue of break up is raised, Fulanis become jittery, uncomfortable, restless, angry, defensive, irrational, guilty, and helpless. They run around like a headless hen. No one is surprised that Abdullahi and his Fulani emirate are against self-determination. They know they are the big loser should Nigeria break up. They know they can’t survive as a nation on their own. They know they don’t have what it takes to build a nation. They can’t make it alone!

Abdullahi’s statements portray him as an extreme eccentric, recklessly impetuous, and highly irresponsible. How can Abdullahi talk of unity and peace without justice? He blames victims of Fulani victimization. He defends Fulani terrorists. He sees nothing wrong the way Fulanis are running and ruining the country. As long as a Fulani controls the center, all is well with Nigeria and Nigerians.

Abdullahi and the Fulanis are not ready for revolutionary transformation of Nigeria because it will sweep away their hegemony. Inaction is no more an option for Yorubas. Our freedom, liberty, and liberation are not negotiable. Oduduwa Nation is our option. There’s nothing the Ango Abdullahi’s of the world can say or do to prevent the break up of Nigeria. The signs are all over the place. It’s coming. Nigeria is on the brink. It’s imminent. It’s inevitable! 

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