A man lost 150 pounds in lockdown. Now he’s chasing a number not measured in pounds

A man lost 150 pounds in lockdown. Now he’s chasing a number not measured in pounds

But when the scale read 430 pounds, White decided it was time for a lifestyle change.

“We had more free time than we knew what to do with and weren’t really using it well,” White, 28, told CNN.

A year later, White weighs 272 pounds.

“By no means did I set out last year and say I’m going to lose 150 pounds in one year,” White said.

“It was only when I actually got into it, saw some results, started putting in more and more work” that he realized “a little bit can go a long way.”

Something needed to change

At 6 feet and five inches, White says he has always been a big guy.

“I always had the…


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