WHO official with ties to Wuhan coronavirus research thanked Fauci for dispelling ‘myth’ that Covid leaked from lab, email reveals — RT USA News

WHO official with ties to Wuhan coronavirus research thanked Fauci for dispelling ‘myth’ that Covid leaked from lab, email reveals — RT USA News

Washington’s Covid czar Anthony Fauci received praise from a WHO official with ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for dismissing theories that the virus was man-made, newly released internal messages show.

Peter Daszak, who was part of the World Health Organization (WHO) team that traveled to China to investigate the origins of the virus, sent Fauci an email on April 18, 2020 in which he thanked him for pushing back against the assertion that Covid-19 leaked from a lab. The message is part of a tranche of emails obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request by…


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