5 creative and affordable ways to keep your kids engaged at home, Lifestyle News

5 creative and affordable ways to keep your kids engaged at home, Lifestyle News

The Phase 2 Heightened Alert restrictions may be coming to an end soon (fingers crossed!) but the kids aren’t going back to school until after the June holidays.

Since they’re home most days with the current situation, this means having to come up with new ideas to keep children entertained and happy without breaking the bank.

Here are 6 creative activities under $100 to beat the boredom blues.

1. Virtual games about personal finance

While there are countless virtual games, we’ve handpicked a few that help your kids learn how to be responsible with their money.

A quick online search and you’ll find many intelligent online platforms and apps that are designed to teach children how to manage personal finances in a fun way. Many of these games are free and cover a wide range…


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