Appoint talented non-Malays as vice-chancellors

Appoint talented non-Malays as vice-chancellors

From Kua Kia Soong

So, there are five vice-chancellor posts in public universities that are vacant now and there seems to be a problem trying to find the right candidates. For a country that is hoping to become a high-income society soon, one wonders what the problem is.

Some have put it down to the question of political appointments, just like finding a CEO for a government-linked company (GLC). We know it is not just an issue of political patronage as we have had ruling coalitions under Barisan Nasional, Pakatan Harapan and now Perikatan Nasional and they all refuse to confront the elephant in the room, namely blatant racial discrimination.

Before May 13, 1969, there were two non-Malay vice-chancellors at Universiti Malaya – Huang Li Song (1965-66)…


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