Karnataka on Wednesday reported 7,345 fresh infections and 148 deaths, taking the tally to 27.84 lakh and the death toll to 33,296.
Bengaluru reported 1,611 cases and 19 deaths. The day also saw 17,913 discharges, showcasing the continuing trend of outnumbering the fresh cases. With this, the total number of recoveries in the state so far stands at 25,99,472.
According to the health department bulletin, the total number of active cases in the state is 1,51,566. While the positivity rate stood at 4.35 per cent, the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) was 2.01 per cent on Wednesday.
Karnataka reported 7,345 fresh infections and 148 deaths, taking the tally to 27.84 lakh and the death toll to 33,296. Bengaluru reports 1611 cases and 19 deaths. @IndianExpress
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