Sunday’s UK newspaper front & sport pages: 16 July 2023

Sunday’s UK newspaper front & sport pages: 16 July 2023

The Observer

The Observer leads on the news that Sir Keir Starmer has told his party they cannot “spend their way back to power”. The paper says the Labour leader “won’t pledge vast sums” to get back into government.

The Sunday Telegraph

The Sunday Telegraph leads on the news that new homes will reportedly have to have green road schemes including ULEZ style traffic restrictions.

Daily Star Sunday

The Daily Star Sunday splashes on the news that intelligence chiefs are recruiting people with AI experience to help fend off any potential threat that could be posed by artificial intelligence.

Sunday Mirror

Actors Helen George and Jack Ashton have separated seven years after meeting on the set of Call the Midwife. The pair are  still set on co-parenting their two daughters, the Sunday Mirror reports.

Sunday Express

Britain has secured a deal to join an Indo-Pacific trading group worth £12 trillion, according to the Sunday Express. The paper labels the move a “Brexit boost”.

The Mail on Sunday

The Mail on Sunday leads on the news that Prince George will be allowed to forego the royal family tradition of serving in the armed forces, should he so choose, in the future.

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