Barista at Boulder grocery store hid coworker, 69, under trashcans during deadly shooting

Barista at Boulder grocery store hid coworker, 69, under trashcans during deadly shooting

A 20-year-old Starbucks barista who worked inside the Colorado grocery store where 10 people were gunned down Monday said he saw it as his duty to protect his 69-year-old coworker by hiding her underneath trashcans when the gunman entered the store, according to a report.

Logan Smith said the decision to help hide his coworker was “instinctive” after he saw the suspect shoot a customer outside the store. He called 911 and tried to find a safe place for both of them, according to FOX 31 in Denver.

“I knew since she is my elder, as she is older than me, I must protect her over myself and…


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