Court-packing next? Biden to issue executive order examining ‘membership and size’ of Supreme Court — RT USA News

Court-packing next? Biden to issue executive order examining ‘membership and size’ of Supreme Court

Conservatives warned before the 2020 election that Joe Biden would “pack” the Supreme Court to create a permanent liberal majority. Now, Biden has taken the first step towards expanding the nation’s highest court.

In the run-up to last November’s election, President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and multiple conservative pundits accused Joe Biden of wanting to “pack” the Supreme Court – a term for expanding its membership and appointing sympathetic justices to achieve a long-term hold over the court’s ideological balance.

Biden never gave a straight answer, telling reporters in October that they would “know my opinion on court-packing when the election is over.”

Chris “Law Dork” Geidner on X (formerly Twitter): “The White House announces Biden’s Supreme Court Commission today, which will include consideration of the size of the Court. Biden will sign an EO establishing the commission later today. / X”

The White House announces Biden’s Supreme Court Commission today, which will include consideration of the size of the Court. Biden will sign an EO establishing the commission later today.

Now, nearly three months after inauguration, Biden has signaled that court-packing could be on the table. The president will issue an executive order later on Friday to create a “Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States.”

Made up of a supposedly bipartisan group of legal scholars, judges and activists, the commission will examine the court’s role in upholding the constitution, the lifetime appointment of justices, and, crucially, “the membership and size of the court.” 

To both Democrats and Republicans, the announcement came as an admission that Biden intends to pack the court. Progressive Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-New York) celebrated, declaring that “to restore our democracy, we must expand the Supreme Court.” 

Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee responded differently, warning that Biden “wants to radicalize the Supreme Court.” 

House Judiciary GOP 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 on X (formerly Twitter): “President Biden wants to radicalize the Supreme Court. Your rights are at risk. / X”

President Biden wants to radicalize the Supreme Court. Your rights are at risk.

Of the Supreme Court’s nine justices, six – three of whom were appointed by Donald Trump – lean conservative. However, some regularly cross ideological lines to side with their liberal colleagues, most notably when the court declined to hear Trump’s cases regarding alleged election fraud last year, and when it ruled against his plan to overturn an Obama-era policy offering a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants brought to the US as children.

The current number of seats on the court was set at nine in 1869, having changed six times before that.

Progressives have long lobbied Biden to


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