Kevin McCarthy Nukes Biden's Build Back Better Agenda in Multi-Hour Speech

Kevin McCarthy nukes Biden’s Build Back Better agenda in multi-hour speech

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) delivered a fiery multi-hour House floor speech Thursday ahead of the Build Back Better Act vote, nuking President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats.

McCarthy lit into the Biden Adminsitration and the Democrat-led Congress. He slammed the crisis of crises facing the country, whether it be the border crisis, soaring inflation, supply chain issues, and the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, among many others.

The Republican leader said that the issues facing America arise from the fact that the legislative and executive branch are solely controlled by the Democrat Party.

“Do you know what the common denominator is? One party rule for one year,” McCarthy said.

McCarthy also ripped into the mammoth Build Back Better Act. 

“This is the single most reckless and irresponsible spending in the history of this country,” McCarthy said, as Democrats prepare to vote on the mammoth Build Back Better Act.

Democrats hope to use budgetary reconciliation to pass their legislation, which would allow them to pass the legislation on partisan lines.

“Never in American history has so much been spent at one time,” McCarthy remarked. “Never in American history will so many taxes be raised and so much borrowing be needed to pay for all this reckless spending.”

McCarthy noted some of the most egregious provisions in the Build Back Better Act, which includes that it would hire tens thousands of IRS agents to spy on Americans, provides a child tax credit without a work requirement, and abandons the Hyde Amendment, which prevents taxpayer-funding of abortion.

“Democrats have included a Heat Your Home Tax in this bill that would increase families’ heating bills by as much as $242 per year and eliminate as many as 90,000 American jobs,” McCarthy said.

“From bank surveillance to bailouts, this bill takes the problems President Biden and Democrats have already created and makes them much, much worse,” McCarthy said.

“This bill bans drilling for oil and gas development on federal land. That means less American supply, more price shocks, and more pain at the pump is on the horizon. All at a time when gas prices are already at their highest in seven years,” he added.

McCarthy said, “Democrats told us what they want to do: spy on every American’s bank account for spending as little as $28 a day. That’s less than $200 a week.”

McCarthy’s speech received widespread applause from across the conservative spectrum.


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