Biden has made America a laughingstock: Hilton

Biden has made America a laughingstock: Hilton

Fox News host Steve Hilton criticized the Biden administration for failing to deliver on campaign promises and said that even the liberal press are starting to take note of the catastrophic presidency on “The Next Revolution” Sunday.

“Right after his first year in office, all the polls show that Biden is more unpopular than ever. That’s because we’ve gotten the exact opposite of what we were promised,” Hilton said during his monologue.

A January Quinnipiac poll found Biden’s approval to be at 33%, with the majority of Americans disappointed in the president’s handling of COVID-19, foreign policy, and the economy. The poll reflects historic inflation, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and Biden’s failure to “shut down the virus” as he promised during the 2020 campaign.

“They told us … the pandemic would be shut down, … [Biden would] revive foreign policy, [America] would be in safe hands, legislation would be passed, [and] the country’s divisions would be healed. But a year into the restoration of establishment rule, what have we got?” Hilton asked.

Fox Business poll found in December that the majority of Americans said 2021 was a bad year for their families and that they were not hopeful about the country’s future.

Instead of shutting down the virus, Hilton pointed out that there are more pandemic deaths under Biden than former President Trump, despite the availability of vaccines.

“It’s now barely working for anyone, even the New York Times says today that on the economy, Biden did not have a very good year. Instead of more competent, humane government – we’ve got a humanitarian disaster at the border. And of course, in Afghanistan, too, where Biden’s narcissism and vanity led directly to the deaths of 13 of our brave soldiers.”

“Biden has made America a laughingstock as rogue regimes run amok in the face of his weakness. And instead of the unity he promised, Biden fanned the flames of hate and division, even stoking racial tensions for partisan ends with his disgusting, cynical rant in Atlanta,” he said.

In a speech about his voting reform bills, Biden compared those who oppose the legislation to reviled segregationists.

“Do you want to be on the side of Dr. [Martin Luther] King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?” the president said.


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