Former Russian Amb: Putin ‘increasingly unhinged’ in speaking of ‘the regime’

Former Russian Amb: Putin ‘increasingly unhinged’ in speaking of ‘the regime’

On Sunday, former Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” to discuss the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

During the segment, McFaul was asked by host Chuck Todd if he viewed Russian President Vladimir Putin as a “rational actor right now.”

McFaul responded, saying that “rational actor” is an elastic term, citing the Russian president’s reported nuclear posturing, and that he is concerned that Putin has been buying into his own propaganda for decades.

He’s increasingly unhinged in the way that he talks about the regime. Just yesterday, talking about Zelensky being a neo-Nazi — let’s remind everybody watching, he’s Jewish — and a drug addict. That doesn’t sound like somebody that’s going to sit down and negotiate a peaceful outcome.

Given his assessment, Todd asked McFaul what is to be done if the world is dealing with an “irrational actor.”

McFaul first said that he hopes General Milley is speaking with his Russian counterpart to clarify Putin altering the status of the nation’s nuclear deterrent forces. He added that “we need to support the Ukrainians who are fighting,” as well as a resistance if the regime should change.

“I think this is about the war, you know? The sanctions are great. I support them 100%. But they take months and years to have effect. It’s really about winning the war on the ground. We need to support the Ukrainians who are fighting,” McFaul said. “And three, if he succeeds in his ultimate objective, which is regime change, and force Zelensky out of power, arrest him, or kill him, we need to continue to support the resistance.”


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