EU to deliver defensive weapons to Ukraine

EU to deliver defensive weapons to Ukraine

Fars News Agency

European Union defense ministers are set to discuss plans later to jointly finance deliveries of weapons worth 500 million euros ($560m) to Ukraine, and these will include a range of defensive arms aimed at helping assist Kyiv’s efforts to repel Russian forces, the bloc’s foreign policy chief announced.

“Member states have to provide these arms, they have to coordinate with what they are doing … with these resources,” Josep Borrell said ahead of the virtual meeting of the bloc’s defence ministers, Al-Jazeera reported.

“The fight is fierce, Kyiv is resisting … and Russia is paying a high toll in number of casualties, but we have to provide the munitions, we have to provide the high-calibre guns and anti-tank equipment. Also fuel … for the tanks, for the planes, all that has to be coordinated,” Borrell added…


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