Conservatives hammer George Takei for telling Americans to ‘endure’ higher food, gas prices to hurt Putin

Conservatives hammer George Takei for telling Americans to ‘endure’ higher food, gas prices to hurt Putin

Former “Star Trek” actor and left-wing activist George Takei received a verbal smackdown from Twitter users after he claimed that Americans could bear the brunt of rising food and gasoline prices in order to stick it to Vladimir Putin.

“Americans: We can endure higher prices for food and gas if it means putting the screws to Putin. Consider it a patriotic donation in the fight for freedom over tyranny,” Takei wrote on Twitter Friday evening.

George Takei on Twitter: “Americans: We can endure higher prices for food and gas if it means putting the screws to Putin. Consider it a patriotic donation in the fight for freedom over tyranny. / Twitter”

Americans: We can endure higher prices for food and gas if it means putting the screws to Putin. Consider it a patriotic donation in the fight for freedom over tyranny.

Twitter users immediately fired back.

“Hey rich guy, you can endure this, but us working class people, this is crushing us. But what do you [care] looking down your nose at the people who make your world run…” podcaster Britt Griffith replied, including a photo of a gas station with prices in the $6 range.

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“We can endure higher prices for food and gas. But some can endure them more easily than others,” lawyer and YouTube commentator Viva Frei said, including a screenshot of Takei’s apparent $14 million net worth.

Viva Frei on Twitter: “”We can endure higher prices for food and gas. But some can endure them more easily than others” / Twitter”

“We can endure higher prices for food and gas. But some can endure them more easily than others”

“Many American and veteran[s] live paycheck to check barely surviving now,” veterans’ nonprofit Code of Vets tweeted in response. “This post is out of touch with the average American.”

Code of Vets ™ on Twitter: “Many American and veteran live paycheck to check barely surviving now. This post is out of touch with the average American. / Twitter”

Many American and veteran live paycheck to check barely surviving now. This post is out of touch with the average American.

“You really wanna put the screws to Putin? Get Biden out of office,” Matt’s Idea Shop tweeted. “There was a time when we had Putin under control AND low gas prices. But you were too busy screaming about ‘Russian collusion’ for three years to even notice.”

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Even left-wing users took issue with Takei’s comments:

Johnny Akzam on Twitter: “This right here is some pretty out-of-touch elitist bullshit. Half of the US has already been struggling just to get by, wading through a pandemic that our gov has shirked responsibility to, and now he expects people to pay for punitive damages for more wargames. You pay, George! / Twitter”

This right here is some pretty out-of-touch elitist bullshit. Half of the US has already been struggling just to get by, wading through a pandemic that our gov has shirked responsibility to, and now he expects people to pay for punitive damages for more wargames. You pay, George!

Peter Coffin on Twitter: “This is the kind of patriotism people have mistakenly attributed to proletarian patriots. This is the patriotism of the bourgeoisie, the support for US imperialism over both the domestic and international proletariat. / Twitter”

This is the kind of patriotism people have mistakenly attributed to proletarian patriots. This is the patriotism of the bourgeoisie, the support for US imperialism over both the domestic and international proletariat.


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