US and Europe weigh plans for Ukrainian government in exile
Kiev, Ukraine, le 03/03/2022 Le pr??sident ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky lors de sa conf??rence de presse ?? sa r??sidence officielle, le palais Maryinsky, pour un groupe s??lectionn?? de m??dias internationaux pr??sent ?? Kiev. Photo Laurent Van der Stockt pour Le Monde Kyiv, Ukraine, 03/03/2022 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky gave a press conference for selected media at his official residence in Kyiv, the Maryinsky Palace. Laurent Van der Stockt for Le Monde

US and Europe weigh plans for Ukrainian government in exile

The discussions have ranged from supporting Zelensky and top Ukrainian officials in a potential move to Lviv in western Ukraine, to the possibility that Zelensky and his aides are forced to flee Ukraine altogether and establish a new government in Poland, the officials said.

The discussions are only preliminary and no decisions have been made, the sources said.

Western officials have also been wary of discussing a government in exile directly with Zelensky because he wants to stay in Kyiv and has so far rejected conversations that focus on anything other than boosting Ukraine in its fight…


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