US lawmakers warn no-fly zone in Ukraine could set off World War III

US lawmakers warn no-fly zone in Ukraine could set off World War III


US lawmakers Sunday expressed reluctance to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine as requested by President Volodymyr Zelensky, warning the move would put American forces in direct contact with Russian troops and potentially instigate World War III.

“A no-fly zone has become a catchphrase. I’m not sure a lot of people fully understand what that means,” Sen. Marco Rubio told ABC News’ “This Week.”

“That means flying AWACS 24 hours a day, that means the willingness to shoot down and engage Russian airplanes in the sky ”  the Florida Republican told host George Stephanopoulos, referring to Airborne Warning & Control System plains outfitted with long-range radar to detect aircraft over large areas.

“That means, frankly, you can’t put those planes up there unless they’re willing to knock out the anti-aircraft systems that the Russians have deployed in, and not just in Ukraine, but Russia and also in Belarus,” Rubio said.

He said shooting down a Russian airplane would lead to World War III…


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