Kyiv Mayor: Putin wants ‘to rebuild Soviet empire,’ we are ‘fighting for whole modern world’

Kyiv Mayor: Putin wants ‘to rebuild Soviet empire,’ we are ‘fighting for whole modern world’

On Sunday, Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko appeared on ABC’s “This Week” with host George Stephanopoulos to discuss the situation on the ground in his city, as well as what this fight means more broadly.

Following a brief back and forth regarding what’s happening in Kyiv today, Stephanopoulos asked Klitschko to explain what Ukrainians need from the West.

The mayor said that Ukrainians “need unity; we need pressure; we need sanctions. We need the weapons support because we stand in front [of] one of the strongest armies in the world, Russian army.”

Despite needs such as weaponry, Klitschko stated that the Russian forces don’t have the same level of will that Ukrainian defenders have.

“President Putin vowed yesterday to eliminate Ukraine if you keep up the fight,” Stephanopoulos said. “How do you respond?”

Klitschko replied that Ukraine isn’t merely buildings or land, but a people, and that despite Russian President Vladimir Putin essentially viewing Ukraine as part of a new USSR, Ukrainians view their “future as democratic, modern European country.”

The mayor concluded by saying that Ukraine isn’t simply fighting for itself, but for the “whole modern world.”

And we expect support from all world because we’re fighting not just for Ukraine, we’re fighting for others. We’re fighting for whole modern world. We have to stop Putin all together.

This Week on Twitter: “.@gstephanopoulos: “What do you need from the west to defeat Vladimir Putin?”Kyiv Mayor @Vitaliy_Klychko: “We need unity, we need pressure, we need sanctions, we need weapon support.” / Twitter”

@gstephanopoulos: “What do you need from the west to defeat Vladimir Putin?”Kyiv Mayor @Vitaliy_Klychko: “We need unity, we need pressure, we need sanctions, we need weapon support.”


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