Working from home DOESN'T work, says PM

Working from home DOESN'T work, says PM


Working from home doesn’t work, Boris Johnson declares today as he calls for a return to the office.

In an exclusive interview with the Daily Mail, the Prime Minister says full workplaces will lift productivity and revive town and city centres.

Taking a swipe at the out-of-office culture that has taken hold across Whitehall, he adds: ‘My experience of working from home is you spend an awful lot of time making another cup of coffee and then, you know, getting up, walking very slowly to the fridge, hacking off a small piece of cheese, then walking very slowly back to your laptop and then forgetting what it was you’re doing.’

He claims staff are ‘more productive, more energetic, more full of ideas’ when surrounded by colleagues. He says: ‘I believe in the workplace environment.

‘And I think that will help to drive up productivity, it will get our city centres moving in the weekdays and it will be good for mass transit. And a lot of businesses that have been having a tough time will benefit from that.’

In the wide-ranging interview, the Prime Minister also vows to change the law if ‘Leftie lawyers’ obstruct plans to send Channel migrants to Rwanda.

He says that he is ready to ‘dig in for the fight’ against those seeking to block ‘the will of the people’.

Mr Johnson reveals that the first 50 ‘illegal entrants into this country’ have already been served notice that they will be sent to Rwanda within a fortnight.

But Government sources say they are braced for a blizzard of legal claims under human rights laws.


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