Egbe Omo Yoruba urges preservation of cultural heritage for nation building

Egbe Omo Yoruba urges preservation of cultural heritage for nation building


LAGOS – Egbe Omo Yoruba in Italy has called for the use of rich cultural heritage to promote socio-economic development and impact significantly on nation building.

The association, which is an affiliate of the Yoruba National Community (YNC), Italy, advocated this position over the weekend in Italy during its inauguration and anniversary ceremony attended by Nigerians residing in Italy, throughout Europe and numerous walks of life.

The event also witnessed the showcasing of Yoruba rich cultures like Egungun and Eyo masquerades displays, among others.

In his welcome address, Prince Kola Oladele, National President, Egbe Omo Yoruba Italy, said that the Yoruba had taken their rightful place in the cultural arena in Italy.

He, however, challenged parents to inculcate their children, especially those raised outside Yorubaland with the Yoruba culture for its sustainability and retention.

Oladele also challenged children of Yoruba extraction to make their impact felt in business and politics, especially in Italy, saying that in other Western countries, the Yoruba were already making a meaningful impact.

“A Yoruba man just won election as a Mayor in the city of Colorado in America. We need to evolve as a race. Though, some of us are getting there. So, no one should be left behind.”

In his keynote address, Mr. Bolaji Adedayo, the National General Secretary, Yoruba National Community, Italy, commended the leadership of Egbe Omo Yoruba in Italy for advancing the cause of Yoruba culture.

Adedayo posited that the intercultural solidarities, exploration of intellectual potential and rich cultural heritage of the race would not only promote its socio-economic development, but garner respect and impact significantly on nation building.

Adedayo expressed that some Yoruba extractions in Europe and America had lost their cultural values due to several reasons.


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