The dental surgeon living with sickle cell (2)

The dental surgeon living with sickle cell (2)


Last week, we read the story of dental surgeon Agboola and today we will be concluding his story. I am sure that a lot of you who read his story last week would have celebrated him. This week, he delves more into some of the struggles he faced because of Sickle Cell. Let’s continue his story and find out how he persevered through it all.

Even though I didn’t get any prize eventually, and even though I had four resit exams before I graduated, I stayed dogged, consistent, resilient, focused, determined, and persistent amidst those trials before I was qualified to carry that bag that contained the noble degree in Dental Surgery. I was glad and still am.

On my induction day, Mum had to shout “Jesus” (in utmost joy which wasn’t explainable with words) as I swore the Hippocratic oath and as I was officially confirmed, publicised, and pronounced Dr. Agboola Emmanuel Tobiloba in the hall. I almost teared up on that day too! However, the journey was not easy.

The story was that of hopelessness, despair, deep depressive moments, and red teary eyes from a heartbreak. A few months before my induction, I had pulmonary tuberculosis (the 24th complication of sickle cell disease I suffered from) and I was diagnosed with some mental health conditions.

I was admitted for 16 days and was placed on analgesics, antibiotics, antidepressants, anti-insomnia, and anti-tuberculosis all in just one hospital admission! My girlfriend whom I intended to marry deserted me in these 16 days of hospital admission! In this state of despair, my final year examination in restorative dentistry was staring at me!

My mum bathed me as a grown-up because I couldn’t stand to bathe myself during any severe bone pain sickle cell crisis (VOC). I’d sit on a stool till bathing is finished! I had my siblings and parents, massage my limbs, or body parts where I had these crises on several occasions.

I recall my classmates and dad copied my school notes for me during my secondary school days because Vaso Occlusive Crises (VOC) made me miss school. I was refused admission into the University of Ibadan until my third attempt at writing the University Matriculation Examination (UME), because my marks didn’t hit the cut-off of my choice course and my Chemistry result was withheld by WAEC.

On my third attempt, I was temporarily discharged from a hospital admission so I could attend my post-UME interview. A cannula was beneath the sleeve of the shirt and suit I wore that day. I went right back to the hospital bed after my interview. I was discharged a few days later, and I passed my interview. I remember failing four solid courses (Surgery, Pharmacology, Child Oral Health, and Restorative Dentistry) in the university and had resits in these courses, all written just after four different hospital admissions respectively and yet I didn’t repeat any class.

 In all these seemingly insurmountable die minute brutality, I emerged a dental surgeon! I made tons of friends during this 16-day hospital admission who graced the reception where I was celebrated. It was my turn to be the legend, whose success was to be coveted by junior colleagues that came to celebrate with me. I have long-term memories that I will not forget because of Sickle cell. Yes, I am now a dental surgeon but being admitted into university was an ordeal, to say the least.


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