APC national chair Adamu gets one-week ultimatum to convene NEC meeting


 A member of the National Working Committee (NWC), of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Mallam Salihu Moh Lukman, has written an open letter to the National Chairman of the Party, Senator Abdullahi Adamu, demanding a National Executive Council (NEC) meeting be convened within one week.

Lukman, who is the National Vice Chairman of the party in the North-west, threatened court action against Adamu if his demands were not met.

The APC chieftain, in a letter titled: “Restoring Constitutional Order in APC – Not Negotiable, Open Letter to Sen. Abdullahi Adamu”, warned the Adamu-led NWC against “acting as a Trojan Horse, programmed to destroy our party. Only compliance with and respect for our constitution by allowing all our superior organs, notably NEC, National Caucus and NAC, to function and take decisions accordingly, which should be binding on all party leaders and members can secure our party. This is not negotiable!”

The letter, seen by THEWILL read in part, “I make this an open letter because it is about campaigning to return the APC to its foundation, which requires that we mobilise all like-minded party leaders and members in this crusade to restore constitutional order in the APC. As a person, I have concluded that everything must be done to compel you to respect the constitution of our party and manage its affairs based on the requirements of our constitution and not your personal discretion.

“Therefore, by this open letter, I am serving you notice of one week from today, Wednesday, April 19, 2023, to take all the appropriate steps required to convene an NEC meeting before May 29, 2023, wherein all the issues bordering on the management of smooth transition between the outgoing government of President Buhari and the incoming government of President Asiwaju Tinubu can be considered.

“If by the end of this one-week notice, no action is taken to convene an NEC meeting as the first step to restoring constitutional order in APC, I will not hesitate to take further actions, including approaching our courts to enforce compliance with the provisions of our party’s constitution under your leadership.”

Lukman said his earlier letter to the national chairman dated April 5, 2023, was ignored, hence, he made the current letter an open letter.

According to him, the said letter outlined nine demands as follows:

“In line with the provision of Article 13.4(ii) of the APC Constitution, present a report of activities for the last one year to the NWC.

“In line with the provision of Article 13.4(iv) of the APC Constitution, present the financial report on the income and expenditure of the party for the last one year.

“In line with the provision of Article 13.3A(xiv) of the APC Constitution, prepare a national budget for the party for the period May – December 2023, which should be ratified by the NWC for the consideration and approval of NEC.

“In line with provisions of Article 13.4(vi) of our party Constitution, which directs the NWC to ‘propose electoral guidelines and regulations governing the conduct of elections to party offices at all levels, and procedure for selecting Party candidates for elective offices’, the NWC should immediately develop a proposal to zone leadership positions for the 10th National Assembly and present to NEC for consideration and approval.


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