‘My best friend slept with my son – even though she knew he had a girlfriend’


The unwritten rules of life are simple: don’t eat yellow snow, don’t run with scissors, and don’t sleep with your best mate’s son.

But one woman was left absolutely reeling after discovering her pal of more than two years, aged 28, had been getting down and dirty with their son – who is five years younger. To make things worse, her son is supposed to be in a committed relationship.

Taking to Mumsnet, the anonymous woman claims she hung up on her friend and blocked her contact. She claims she’s not bothered about the age-gap as they are both adults, but slammed her pal for showing no ‘boundaries, morals, and respect’.

“I had helped this friend over that last few months with food for herself and her cat as she has no job and was depressed etc,” the post reads.

“She now has a job, and only a couple of weeks ago, she was saying to me how much she values our friendship and how thankful she is that I came into her life and that she appreciates everything I’ve done for her. She had already slept with my son at that point! I’ve known her for two and a half years… [I’m] fuming!”

The woman added that her son has apologised for his behaviour and that she has urged him to confess everything to his girlfriend. Hundreds of gobsmacked users flocked to the comments section to share their thoughts, with many slamming both parties for their night of passion.



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