Nollywood actress, Oluwadarasimi Omoseyin has been granted bail by a Federal High Court in Lagos. Recall that she was arraigned before the court on Monday by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for allegedly spraying new naira notes at a party. Justice Chukwujekwu Aneke who admitted the actress to bail in the sum of N5 million with one surety in like sum also ruled that the surety must be a public servant in the service of the Federation or the Lagos State Government not below the rank of Grade Level 12, or a holder of a genuine statutory certificate of occupancy of a developed landed property within the Lagos State Municipality.Â
The court also held that the Certified True Copy (CTC) of the original statutory certificate of occupancy of the landed property is to be deposited with the Registrar of the court and in the case of the public servant, an official letter from his or her head of department stating the status and salary level of the surety. The surety is to also produce to the court, two copies of his recent passport photograph and evidence of payment of tax. The judge also ordered that the actress be further remanded in the Kirikiri correctional facility pending the perfection of the bail terms, before adjourning the matter till April 3, for trial…
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