Police operatives in Bauchi and Anambra States have rescued three children – Sabo Salisu 3 year-old; Isah Abdulkadir 4 year-old, and Nana Khadija Zakariya’u, 6 year-old – who were abducted from Gwallameji, a community in the outskirts of Bauchi metropolis of Bauchi State.
LEADERSHIP reports that one of the children was sold in Anambra State for N2million before they were rescued by the Police.
The children were abducted by a woman, who was still at large, having rented an apartment in the neighbourhood of the family residence of her victims in early December, 2024.
The suspect allegedly lured the children after learning that one of them did well in school. She took them from their mothers, promising to buy them toys but never returned with the children.
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