Transgenderism:Report says 602 underage Canadian girls had breasts cut off

Transgenderism:Report says 602 underage Canadian girls had breasts cut off


A staggering 602 underage girls have reportedly had their breasts surgically removed in Canada for transgender-related reasons.

Data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information revealed that, since 2018, a whopping 602 female minors underwent a double mastectomy, with nearly half of them under the age of 17 and the lowest age being 14.


“The fact that you can’t get the numbers from private clinics — it’s very cloak-and-dagger,” a physician familiar with the phenomenon — who chose to remain anonymous to protect their professional reputation — told the National Post.

“They’re still billing OHIP. That’s tax dollars. That should be publicly accessible information. We need to see these numbers and ask questions,” the doctor added.

A double mastectomy typically involves surgically removing the tissue of both breasts, removing and re-sizing the nipples, then repositioning and grafting them so that they appear more masculine, the McLean Clinic explains.

The issue of transgenderism and “non-binary” concepts has become a major problem for youths in recent years. Moreover, a new study strongly suggeststhat social contagion is a factor in teenagers and young adults identifying as transgender.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.

The post Transgenderism: Report Says 602 Underage Canadian Girls Had Breasts Cut Off appeared first on Breitbart.


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