Annora Odjighoro, a 29-year-old woman diagnosed with fibroids in 2023, was set to undergo a laparoscopic myomectomy in October to address her condition. However, just two days before her scheduled surgery, Odjighoro decided to check her files through the online patient portal, and what she discovered left her in shock.
Upon reviewing her records, Odjighoro realized that she was listed for a hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, a procedure involving the removal of the womb, cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. The revelation left her feeling overwhelmed and incredibly anxious about proceeding with the surgery as planned.
Preferring not to disclose her doctor’s information, Odjighoro promptly contacted the doctor’s office to address the error and rectify the situation before it was too late.
“I was mortified, shocked and scared when I saw it. My surgery was just two days away, and to see an error like this on my chart definitely impacted my confidence. I called my doctor’s office and was directed to the office assistant who handled the scheduling,” Odjighoro said.
“She was immediately apologetic when she heard about the error. I asked her to send me a copy of my consent form, which clearly stated I was to have a myomectomy surgery and asked her to change the information on the system, which she did in a matter of minutes.”
Staff at the doctor’s office apologized profusely for the mistake, which they told Odjighoro was “a computer-generated error.”
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