2023: Buhari must handover to a Christian – Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria

2023: Buhari must handover to a Christian – Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria

This Nigeria

Tobi Adebayo
The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) has alleged that there are plans by some political parties to force Muslim/Muslim tickets on Nigerians in 2023.

President of PFN, Bishop Oke Wale made the allegation during an event held at the International Conference Centre, University of Ibadan, Oyo state.

Oke said that such plans will be “vehemently resisted”, adding that President Muhammadu Buhari must hand over to a Christian at the end of his tenure in 2023.

“It is disturbing that with the 2023 general elections fast approaching, some politicians who are hell-bent in further scuttling the fragile peace in the country, are desperately seeking to foist a Muslim/Muslim political agenda on us, a development that will further throw an unsavoury spanner into the works, fibre and the tenuous peace of the nation.

“Nigeria is a nation predominantly populated by Christians and Muslims. In fact, the PFN, which by the grace of God I head today, has a membership strength of over 65 million adherents of Jesus Christ. So, we vehemently say no to Muslim/Muslim presidential tickets; we say no to arrangements that will relegate the Christians to obscurity. This we shall resist by all available lawful means.

“We urge that we follow the routes already taken by the previous administrations of Olusegun Obasanjo, Umar Yar’adua, Goodluck Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari, so as to avoid the pitiable paths some are trying to tread for selfish reasons and aggrandizement.

“Anyone flying a Muslim/Muslim presidential ticket is satanic and from the pit of hell. The Lord, God of hosts, will crush that satanic agenda. Any party that flies a Muslim/Muslim presidential ticket has failed completely. In fact, it will not only fail, it will scatter.

“It is only the will of God for Nigeria that shall prevail, not the satanic agenda of any corrupt, selfish, self-centred, unpatriotic, evil politician who thinks he has enough money to buy up the South West of Nigeria, and the whole of the nation.

“Nigeria belongs to all of us and it will only thrive when there’s fairness, equity and justice. This we are calling for in all our engagements in the country. If the two major political parties in the country field Muslim/Muslim candidates, they will both fail. What we want is a Christian President.

Read the full story in This Nigeria


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